It’s ok to ask for help

Are you aware that there is a lot of help out there? There is always someone to turn to, no matter what your situation.

Remember, you don’t have to deal with your situation alone, there are so many sources of confidential support and advice out there. Our comprehensive list of helplines for survivors of assault, rape, stalking and abuse can now be found on our dedicated support page.


I really hope that it becomes more acceptable in society to talk about surviving an attack and realise that it’s not just you, you aren’t alone. You will feel stronger once you have more support.

And please, if you are in immediate danger or have been assaulted or attacked, call the emergency services straight away.


Reporting an attack

Some statistics from a report on Sky News stated that around 50% of people are too embarrassed to seek help after an attack.

I think we all understand how hard it would be to report a crime or ask for support – you have to relive it and you probably just want to try and forget about it.

However, by reporting what has happened to you, it may save someone else from going through the trauma of an attack. It may also help you to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and to recover and get on with your life.

Also, just know that it is not your fault. You didn’t ask to be attacked, mugged, assaulted, raped – regardless of where you were, at what time, what you were wearing, what you said.

It isn’t your fault, no one has the right to lay their hands on you - and don’t let feelings of ‘I shouldn’t have done this’, ‘I shouldn’t have worn that’ etc. stop you from reporting a crime.


Ask for Angela

I’m wondering how many people know about the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign. When I ask women in my self defence training classes if they’ve heard of this campaign, it’s normally around 60% who have. So, if you’re out on a date and you feel unsafe or it feels weird, then trust your instinct. Go to the bar staff and ask for ‘Angela’ – they’ll know that you need some discreet help such as calling for a taxi.

Ask for Angela Poster.jpg

Self Defence Training for Women & MEN

If you would like to learn self defence to protect yourself and your family, get in touch and we can discuss organising a self defence class in your area, with your employer, at your school, college or university or some private self defence lessons.

We also have online self defence courses that are affordable and can be accessed instantly, wherever you are in the world.



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